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 Seaweed known as "Nest Sea" by the chinese society rich with omega-3 be to make skin elastic and strong.

     treat skin problems
     iodine in it is said to improve the thyroid gland function and to prevent diseases such as goitre (swollen thyroid gland).
     tighten / smooth skin
     can lower ACIDIC rate in food intake, and thus suitable for eating with rice and no fish protein which is both ACIDIC. Food samples using this concept is onigiri and sushi.
     why the alkaline nature of the seaweed is high? which is due to the presence of high mineral and various in it, sufficient for human needs. addition, seaweed is one plant that has a lot of minerals in it when compared with other terrestrial vegetables. Among these are calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, iodine, and zinc.
     rich in fiber, although the structure is not the same composition with plant / vegetable land. This could directly control the sugar level in the blood of the pemakannya.
     anti-mutagenic and anti-oxidants, and thus can lower cholesterol and prevent the arrival of diseases such as cancer and heart disease.
     some types of seaweed act as a detox agent. there is a component of it that is able to combine with the toxic metal in our digestive system, and then removed naturally.
     seaweed extract (Fucoidan) is also used in the production of diet pills. diet pill is able to make us feel full faster when eating a little.
     begin to say in the world of health over the last twenty years, while it has become part of east diet, especially those who live just off the beach, since immemorial.

Kelp (seaweed) is a plant that lives in natural seawater. between weed species aviary suitable for commercial purposes is encheuma cottonii and encheuma spinosunm and also commonly planted in our country as well as Southeast Asia.

Carageenan found in seaweed is the best material is used as a thickening or gel commonly made cakes such as agar-agar.

The seaweed is rich in mineral resources because it lives in the ocean. between the minerals contained in the water is calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, iron and zinc. Seaweed is also rich in vitamins such as vitamin a in the form of beta carotene, b1, B2, B6, niacin, vitamin c and folic acid.

It is also believed to help improve the health of the hair as well as organize the metabolism, increase blood flow, regulate the metabolism, increase skin rejuvenation and help maintain mental health and body. seaweed and help keep the mental and bodily health.
The seaweed is a source of protein and fiber.

A very great source of nutrition for internal health and skin. Suitable for men and women of all ages.

COLLAGEN - 10 times higher than shark fin and 24% collagen is equivalent denggan 2 pieces nest swiftlets.

CALCIUM - 37 times higher than fish liver.

OXIDANT - 550 times stronger than vitamin C.

VITAMIN A - 40 times greater than Beta Carotine or 638 times greater than that of beef.

PROTEIN - 21 times more than the milk.

OMEGA 3 AND OMEGA 6 to 2326 times more than fish.

Seaweed has a high iodine content, serves to prevent the human body absorbs harmful heavy metals such as lead, which can cause cancer of the blood and bone cancer. It also has lots of vitamins and minerals essential for the body such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin B6, B12, C, A, omega 3 and antioxidants. The high fiber content also facilitate digestion and can help users overcome constipation / piles.


-problematic skin (acne eliminating face / body, sores, itching) injuries to the accident / surgery (accelerate healing injury)
-senior citizens, serious illness / sick (to restore power)

  • Adjust the weight and stabilize hormone
  • Enhance the immune system and metabolism
  • To firm breasts, muscles and buttocks
  • Promotes healthier hair and nails
  • Strengthen the abdominal and preserve the thyroid gland
  • Reduces premature aging such as wrinkles and sagging skin
  • Reduce Cellulite
  • Provide energy
  • Improves blood circulation, reduce back pain and shoulder
  • Strengthens bones and joints, arthritis and osteoporosis avoid Tues-Increase of cartilage, ligaments and muscles
  • Treating gout
  • Prevent cancer / tumor
  • Lowering high blood pressure
  • Improve digestive function / digestion, treat gastric
  • Anti bacterial / fungal
  • Treating anemia
  • Lowering cholesterol levels in the bodyAbsorbs excess salt in the body (paralysis), Smooth, tight, and smooth the skin
  • Accelerate shrinkage and eliminate acne scars
  • Stimulate the production of new sel2 skin, heal wounds
  • Stabilize blood sugar (diabetes)
  • Cleanse the body from free radical reactions
  • Entrust this mission satiety (diet)
  • Preserving the small intestine (prevent constipation / piles)

Consuming raw collagen is regularly and continuously give a very positive impact, making the whole body skin smooth, delicate, soft and bright. Pori2 narrowed skin and fresh look lifeless. Collagen can also be a mask. For pregnant women, the intake of collagen makes the skin of babies born beautiful, healthy and radiant.

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