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Collagen is the main protein of the supporting tissues of the human body. Existence represents 30% of the total protein in the body .. It supports most of the cells that provide structure, strength and elasticity of the skin and tissues of the body .. Collagen chains are arranged three polipetida (monomer protein) that selectively forming the triple helix (triple option). Small segment of each amino acid chain has a length of 1000's and this is the important discoveries of this century.

Collagen is found in, cornea, eye lens. skin, blood vessels, keratin (hair, nails), bone, tendons, joint cartilage, and teeth, liver, bone marrow and tissues and organs such as buahpinggang, heart and lymphatic system.

There are 29 types of collagen, but 90% is from collagen type I, II, III and 1V.

• Collagen I found in skin, tendons, blood vessels, ligatur, organs, bone (main component of bone) and teeth

• Collagen II: cartilage (main component of cartilage), points

• Collagen III: reticulate (main component of reticular fibers). This network acts as a helper in soft tissue such as liver, heart, bone marrow, arteries, skin, intestine, uterus

• Collagen IV: forms the basis of the cell membrane policy (fibers that line the surface of the cavity and organs such as the kidney) eyepiece, or endothelium lining the interior surface of blood vessels.
• Collagen V: cell surfaces, hair and placenta.


• produce essential amino acids such as:
• lysin, proline and glysin are specifically required by the body to build supportive tissue structure, and to control cell function.
• hydroxyprolin-giving strength and elasticity to the supportive tissue and bone glycine-melembapan skin.
• alanine, proline and asparagin-stabilize the structure, moisturize, tone, and elasticity thus maintaining beautiful skin and prevent aging.
• arginine-facilitate sleep, producing sleep pattern.
• regulate the body's metabolism to digest in enzymatic.
• protect the cartilage in the joints of the enzymes and oxidative damage.
• tight, elastic and soften skin.
• retaining water in the body.
• enhance calcium absorption.
• strengthen salurdah and blood flow under the skin
• enhance the induction signal
• produce quality good hair and nails


• maintaining the tension and elasticity of the skin
• maintaining skin moisture
• supporting tissue repair of muscle and bone injuries
• strengthen the muscles and bones
• assist the liver in detoxification processes (remove toxins)
• maintaining joint flexibility
• reduce inflammation (inflammation)
• provide energy
• help sleep patterns
• restore nerve disease by rebuilding the protein layer on the nerves


Production of collagen decreases with the rate of 1.5% per year after age 25 tahun.Kesan penurangannya began affecting about 10 years later. After 45-50 years of age, our body will lose almost half of existing collagen. So, getting older, dwindling collagen in the body.

By the collagen taken as a health food for a variety of diseases such as osteoarthritis (joint pain), osteoporosis, arteriosclerosis and other cosmetics for skin moisturizing.


• dull
• lifeless
• no tie
• start sagging skin and wrinkles
• skin pigmentation
• fatigue and lethargy
• body aches and joint
• easy to forget
• Visually impaired

COLLAGEN TAKEN as a dietary supplement

• hydrolyzed fish collagen is a leading
• It is considered a simple solution, safe and ideal to help stimulate the growth of collagen in the skin
• Collagen hydrolysis is multi-functional supplement to increase the reduction potential and overcome a variety of physical ailments It is the kind kolagen1.
• low molecular weight of 1000 is more easily digested and quickly absorbed into the intestine compared with collagen complex from sheep, cattle or pigs weighing 400 000.
• Provide first predigested collagen was digested and quickly absorbed.
• Collagen fish retain their original structure forms a network of 'Triple Helix', the structure of the same form found in human collagen. This is the most important discoveries of this century.
• Improve concentration hydrooxyproline (HyPro).
• Provide the essential amino acids that are often not in food. It contains 20 amino acids, including 8 of the 9 essential amino acids (no tryptophan).
• Provide the ratio of amino acid required for the formation of collagen in badan.Menyediakan free amino acids and peptides.
• Provide a specific proline is needed by the body to build tissue structure, and to maintain cell function.
• Contains arginine which helps sleep and enhance athletic performance
• Contains amino acids that encourage the body to increase the formation otot.Lebih much lean muscle increases the metabolic rate.'s Speed ​​up the fat burning rate.
• Fat burning of lean muscle enhancement converted into energy. As a result, many people feel increased energy throughout the day because their bodies quickly using fat as an energy source.
• Contains natural hailuronik glucosamin and acid that supports tissue repair supporters especially in the joints.
• Provide shelter and optimize hydration water body. Impact moisturize and improve skin elasticity and tension.
• It is a good material for essential nutrition for athletes. Members to restore the protein after training.
• Accelerate the injury recovery process
• Increase mental alertness, mental clarity, concentration.
• It can establish and tighten the body.
• Increased energy levels correspond to a weight loss plan.
• Preserve and strengthen hair and nails.
• It helps to tighten the skin in anti-aging. It gives a positive nitrogen balance is important in supporting nutrition for age generation as loss of collagen and cartilage damage
• The human heart also process hydrolyzed collagen complex carbohydrates, which offset the blood sugar and increase energy levels.
• Early clinical studies show fish collagen intake at the right dose for 66 days capable of improving skin aging by 80%.


Production of collagen decreases with the rate of 1.5% per year after age 25. Began affecting about 10 years later. After 45-50 years of age, our body will lose almost half of existing collagen. So, getting older, dwindling collagen in the body.
By the collagen taken as a health food for a variety of diseases such as osteoarthritis (joint pain), osteoporosis, arteriosclerosis and other cosmetics for skin moisturizing.

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